Wilstockhub in partnership with the Quantock Landscape partnership, The woodland play centre and Muddy Boots Gardening Project held a ‘Can you dig it’ event in the community practising ageless techniques of archaeology, learning how to excavate and pigment making ending the day with locking their efforts away in a time capsule. Other activities included pottery making, twigs & cotton spider webs, bush-craft and think environmental play and hands on learning.
The miniature memory museum of the day consisted of messages written in paint from pigments dug from the ground, the colours coming from a series of pits that families dug for our can you dig it? An introduction to Archaeology. A great time was had by all.
Some food was fired up on the BBQ, making flatbreads was a huge hit and marshmallows were toasted. The day was enjoyed so much we are going to have the Quantock Landscape Partnership and Woodland Play Centre join us at our Platinum Jubilee ‘Big Lunch’ event on 4th June 2022.